Parenting Now Blog


Modern Fatherhood: Balancing Work-Family Life

The data is in! Research shows that children of present, engaged fathers are less likely to drop out of school, go to jail, and avoid high risk behaviors later in their lives, such as smoking, underage drinking, or teen pregnancy. This is great news, especially as cultural roles are shifting and many families are choosing ...

It’s Never Too Early to Start Reading With Your Child

Albert Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”   We live in a world filled with miracles. We can see them every day—if we know where to look. A miracle occurred the day ...

Preschool Readiness and The Importance of Play-Based Learning

When working with parents, I am often asked: “Is my toddler ‘ready’ for a preschool?” The next question that follows is: “Will it help or hurt my child in any way?” Every child is different, but research into early childhood shows that even a few hours a week in an intentionally prepared environment with age-based ...

New Year, New Parenting Goals

Have you ever stopped to wonder why we make New Year’s resolutions? It turns out that the tradition dates back all the way to the Babylonians, some 4,000 years ago. Of course, they weren’t making resolutions to eat healthier, hit the gym more, or spend less on frivolous coffee drinks. Instead, they were making promises ...

What are Your Favorite Winter Traditions?

Whether it’s decorating sugar cookies or celebrating the Winter Solstice, we all have our favorite winter traditions—many of which stem from our own childhood and family histories. To celebrate this magical time of year, we asked families about their most treasured traditions and memories from childhood, as well as ones they continue with their own ...

Managing Parenting Stress Over the Holidays

Managing Parenting Stress Over the Holidays  Sometimes it seems like the demands and stresses of parenting just keep building up! For some parents, it just seems like there is too much to do each day—especially  during the holidays! The good news is there are ways you can handle the very real stresses of parenting through ...

Questions To Ask of Potential Preschools

  If you’ve got a toddler, you may be wondering about preschool options. And, believe it or not, now is the time to start planning for enrollment next fall! Before you start furiously scheduling preschool tours, it’s helpful to have a list of questions handy to help ease the process of selecting the perfect preschool ...

Friendships Formed In Group Stayed Stitched Together

To celebrate Parenting Now’s (formerly known as Birth To Three) recent 40th anniversary, Sue Fleming—along Colleen Biggs, Mardell Eastburn, Sandi Sanders, Nancy Bischof, and Jean Severns—donated 40 handmade baby quilts to Parenting Now. It’s a tradition the group—made up of many former Birth To Three members—started 15 years ago as a way to stay connected ...
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