Thank you for your interest in donating a gift of stock to Parenting Now.
Direct your gift to our broker:
Wells Fargo Advisors
1 North Jefferson Ave.
MAC H0004-014
St. Louis, MO 63103
Account Info:
DTC#: 0141
Account #: 1656-8746
Account Name: Parenting Now
Parenting Now Tax ID: 93-0706557
Contact Info:
866.636.8339; option 1
844.879.1439 (fax)
To ensure that you are properly credited and acknowledged for your gift, please contact:
Parenting Now
Attn: Development Department
86 Centennial Loop
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: 541-349-7793/Fax: 541-484-1449
Please note that your gift of stock or mutual fund shares must be received by Parenting Now's broker by December 31st to count as a tax deduction for that year.
Please contact us at 541-484-5316 if you have any questions or need additional information.
This information should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Please contact your own accountant, attorney, or tax advisor for assistance regarding stock or mutual fund gifts you may be considering making to Parenting Now.