LGBTQ+ Parent Group

Gather with other LGBTQ+ parents to share experiences, get support, and have fun.

This is a drop-in group that meets every other Monday (except holidays). This informal drop-in gathering is a fantastic opportunity for:

  • Form connections with other queer parents and families.
  • Gain support.
  • Share experiences.
  • Most importantly, have fun!

Duration: Year Round, excluding holidays
Frequency: Every other week, Mondays

Look for upcoming dates and get on our reminder list!

Meet Your Facilitator:

Sarah is a career educator with a Master's of Education and experience in public school settings, Montessori 3-6-year-old communities, and outdoor classrooms in public parks. She finds joy in building community and nurturing families and has a knack for matchmaking people to resources and one another. In her free time, she loves reading and exploring outside with her wife and son.

Sarah Maxwell Bio Pic
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