Groups meet for either 10 or 12 weekly sessions with families who have children the same ages. A professional Parenting Educator facilitates each group and follows a carefully designed curriculum. Each session includes group discussion and problem solving around topics of interest to you.
In addition, childcare is provided during your parenting group so you can relax and focus as you engage and socialize. Learn more about our Children's Program here
Our parenting groups warmly welcome all people, regardless of gender identity, family makeup, religion, race and ethnicity, and ability. No one is turned away.
Interested in joining a group? Click below for all current group offerings.
Have questions? Email our Enrollment Coordinator, email

Our Parenting Groups

Incredible INFANTs
In Incredible INFANTS, discuss development, play, connection, and more, following a carefully designed curriculum. New INFANTs groups start up monthly.

Wonderful ONEs
In a Wonderful ONEs (12-24 months) group, you’ll meet other parents, and learn about the importance of routines, and ways to stay on your child’s side as they explore and learn about the world.

Terrific TWOs
In a Terrific TWOs group for ages 24-36 months, you will learn about discipline as learning, the role of play, a 2-year-old’s emotional, cognitive, and physical development.

Thrilling THREEs
In a Thrilling THREEs group (ages 36-47 months), you’ll gain support in discipline, setting limits, and handling upsets. Come explore the excitement of a THREEs growing imagination and new skills.

Make Parenting A Pleasure
Make Parenting A Pleasure® is for families dealing with higher levels of stress. The group focuses on managing stress and building positive relationships with your children (0-8 years old).

En este grupo, usted aprenderán: Como manejar el estrés de una manera saludable; maneras de desarrollar expectativas realistas para ser padres. Ofrecido en Español.

Program for Young Parents
In the Program for Young Parents (25 and under), you will gain a greater understanding of your child, make new friends, learn positive approaches to discipline and stress management.

Baby Connection
Every Wednesday, from 11 am to 12 pm, talk with Lactation Specialist Debbie Jensen to get lactation and feeding support, as well as chat with other parents with children under 1. Baby Connection is free for families.

Healthy Families Lane County
Pregnant or newly parenting? As you integrate a new baby into your family’s busy life, a Family Support Specialist can be there for you with weekly home visits. In-person or virtual options.

LGBTQ+ Group
Gather with other LGBTQ+ parents to share experiences, get support, and have fun!
Offered every other Monday from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at Parenting Now in Eugene.
Drop by anytime within the hour, for one or all of the sessions! Free to attend.