Resources For Parenting Educators
Make Parenting A Pleasure Virtual Groups for OPEC Hubs
Are you an Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC) Hub? Are you interested in bringing Parenting Now's Make Parenting A Pleasure parenting groups to the families in your community?
If so, our experienced Parenting Educators are ready to provide the Make Parenting A Pleasure groups for your OPEC Hub to support the delivery of parenting education for the parents in your community. Learn more!
“People in the building said they’d never heard such laughter and positive energy as during our Make Parenting A Pleasure classes! Thank you.” — Gil Nicholson-Nelson, MSW, LCSW, Marion County Health
“Make Parenting A Pleasure is one of the … most effective programs to improve parenting available today.” — Karol Kumpfer, Ph.D., Project Director, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Strengthening Families