Parenting Now Blog

Wonderful ONEs

It’s Up To All of Us To Prevent Child Abuse

    April is Child Abuse Prevention Month - a time to raise awareness and make meaningful connections with children and families in our community.  According to the 2020 Lane County Data Card from Our Children Oregon, in 2019, 17.5 children per 1,000 were victims of abuse or neglect. The Oregon Child Abuse Prevalence Study ...

Supporting Your Child’s Separation Challenges

Separation challenges from parents and caregivers can start at an early age in children. It can begin in infancy and last for some time. Some children experience separation anxiety before preschool or kindergarten or when starting a new daycare. In most cases, separation challenges are developmentally appropriate. As a parent, you are their touchstone. Your ...

Earth Day Crafts

With Earth Day just around the corner, here are some fun Earth Day-inspired crafts for you and your toddler to enjoy together.  Earth Day Rocks: Materials: Rocks Water-based blue and green paint Paint dish Painter's tape Water (Optional) Clear acrylic spray Instructions: First, you need to find your rocks. You can go on a walk ...

Teaching Patience and Waiting

  Interrupting is a very normal stage in child development. Being able to teach your child how to get your attention in a matter that is respectful and age appropriate takes some time. There will be learning from both parents and children during this time. But with practice and patience you can teach your preschooler ...

New Parents: Get The Support You Need

Life changes significantly when we have children, and it's not uncommon for parents (especially those with newborns and infants) to feel social isolation. Between feedings, swaddling, and diaper changes to the busy toddler years of potty training, tower building, and imaginative play, weeks to months can fly by without us parents interacting with another adult. ...

Noreen J. Dunnells Named 2023 Minalee Saks Champion of Children

Parenting Now has named United Way of Lane County's Noreen J. Dunnells as its 2023 Minalee Saks Champion of Children. Noreen will be honored at Parenting Now's A Night of Hope Auction & Gala on March 3. This honor is given to community members who go above and beyond to enrich the lives of children ...

Community and Connection

Humans are wired for connection, particularly during times of stress or change. Becoming a parent is enough to rock even the most well-prepared boat. New parents are learning right alongside their babies, discovering new things about themselves as they get to know this little person. For many of us, the reality of the first year ...

Winter Crafts Ideas

As the chill in the air settles in for the winter and we look for ways to stay warm and cozy at home, here are some fun craft ideas to get into the spirit of the winter season. Paper Bag Snowpal Crafts What you need: White paper bag White cardstock Colored cardstock (black, red, green, ...

Thankful Throughout the Year

  With the holidays in full swing, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of it all. This is a special time of year that's not just about the lights and sounds of the holidays. It's also a time of year to show and tell your children why you are so thankful ...

Understanding Your Child’s Fears

  Fears are very common in children and are a part of growing up. Children can have fears that are mild to extreme at different ages and as they learn to cope with new and different experiences. Children can learn to overcome their fears with practice by talking through the fear with a trusted adult. ...

Messy Play Ideas for November

Parents are their child's first and most important teachers, and wonderful learning can take place as you play together. You don't need expensive toys to engage with your child. All you need are some household items, and a little imagination. Some of the best play comes in the form of "messy" play. Messy play involves ...

Encouraging Your Child to Play Sports

Playing a sport gives your school age child an opportunity to develop physically through exercise. It also helps your child make new friends, and learn about teamwork, responsibility, and hard work. Sports are a great way to have your child try something new! If your child is new to trying sports or has expressed interest ...
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