Parenting Now Blog

Group-Based Curricula

Milestones in Speech and Language Development

It starts one day with an adorable babble. Then the next, you're pretty sure you heard your baby say "Dada." And next thing you know, your child is talking nonstop about video games, telling Knock Knock Jokes, and reading to you from their favorite book. The first three years of a child's life is the most intensive ...

Understanding Imagination’s Role in Toddler Fears

Between the ages of 3 and 4, a child's imagination grows leaps and bounds. Imaginative play is an important part of how a child practices skills, processes social interactions and roles, and explores new concepts-including math, science, and even literacy!  But sometimes a toddler's growing imagination can lead to new fears. These fears can range ...

Morning Routines Simplified

During a "normal" school year, parents and kids rush out the door each morning, scarfing down breakfast, grabbing their backpacks, and lacing up their shoes, as they narrowly miss the school bus or carpool. This school year, however, mornings look a little differently for many of us. Instead of signing permission slips and finding lost ...

Self-Care Trickles Down

Children contribute to our lives in so many ways. We experience fun, joy, wonder, and connectedness with them. But life with young children can also bring fatigue and frustration. You spend so much energy on their needs that it’s hard to meet your own. Over time, neglecting to keep up with your own needs—such as ...

Ideas For a Fun and Safe Halloween This Year

Many families are looking for ways to have a fun and safe Halloween this year without the usual trick or treating, or large parties. With the Oregon Health Authority advising families to stay home and avoid trick or treating this year, we asked our Parenting Educators for their ideas for creating a unique and memorable ...

Apply School Lessons With Experiential Learning At Home

Being a parent and a back-up teacher is a double-time responsibility in the era of COVID-19 - and overwhelming for a lot of us. The good news is that superhero teachers are creating engaging virtual classrooms, interactive videos and quality assignments for their students. As parents, we have got lots of good material to work with ...

COVID-19 Increases Stress on Families

Have you held a newly born baby recently? Wondered, “What are you thinking? What’s happening inside your mind?” That brain is born with 100 billion neurons – each with 2,500 synapses. And, in a nurturing, safe and connected environment – blooming to some 15,000 synapses per neuron by 2 and 3 years. We all understand ...

What You Say Matters

All babies cry-some more than others-and it can be distressing for new parents. Meeting your baby's needs isn't always easy, especially when you're not sure what's wrong. In these moments, you may find yourself responding to your baby with frustration or anger: "Are you hungry? Are you cold? What's wrong with you???" But the words ...

Helping Your Child With Their Fears

It may not be “lions and tigers and bears,” but even happy and secure kids have fears or anxiety at different stages and ages of childhood. Some amount of fear is normal and needed. Fear can protect us from danger and keep us safe. Parents can help their children learn how to respond to and ...

Talking to Kids About Wildfires and Other Scary Things

A global pandemic, protests, rioting, school closures, and now wildfires—2020 is shaping up to be a very challenging year for parents and children! Photo courtesy of the Register-Guard. No doubt kids have questions about what they are hearing and seeing on the news, as well as experiencing first-hand. It’s not always easy to talk about ...

Wildfire Safety Information and Resources for Families

For families looking for updates on the wildfires, information on air quality and how to best protect children from its negative health effects, use the resources below. We will continue to update this list as the situation progresses: • Searchable list of local resources for families in Lane County, including financial assistance, help lines, basic ...

Natural Versus Logical Consequences

Even in infanthood, we learn that there are consequences for our actions. If a baby puts a too-small toy in her mouth, mom or dad will take it away. If a toddler goes outside without shoes on, their feet will get cold. If your middle school child doesn’t get his homework done, it will affect ...
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