1. How long have you worked with Parenting Now?
I have worked from Parenting Now for 1.5 years.
2. What positions have you had and what is your most current one?
Car Seat Program Coordinator, Triple P Discussion Facilitator, Baby Connection Parenting Educator, and now Make Parenting A Pleasure Program Manager.
3. What do you enjoy most about the work you do?
I love working with parents and families. Parenting Now is also a very supportive team that is fun to work with.
4. What are some of the most rewarding/inspiring aspects of working for Parenting Now?
Seeing parents walk away with more confidence in themselves is especially rewarding. Being a part of their tool bag so that they feel supported is awesome!
5. How has working for Parenting Now influenced your own parenting?
I am always reminded to put the curriculum I teach into action in my own home. I truly understand the value of what it means to take care of myself so that I can best take care of my children.