Parenting Now Blog


Helping Kids Feel Safe

During challenging times or periods of uncertainty in our lives, children—even as young as infants—can pick up on our stress levels. They worry along with us as we hear unsettling reports on the news or overhear conversations about being able to pay rent this month or worry about a relative who is ill. It’s important ...

Communicating With Your Child During Times Of Stress

As many parents’ balance working from home, helping their children with distance learning, and trying to meet everyone’s basic needs, communication skills can sometimes suffer under the weight of managing it all. It’s important—especially during times of stress—to give special attention to how we communicate with our children. Here, there, everywhere! There are a lot ...

Tips For Parenting In Uncertain Times

Whether you have a 1-month old, 1-year old, or 10-year old, chances are you are currently parenting very differently than you were mere weeks ago before schools were closed, events were cancelled, and you were asked to practice social distancing. Parenting under a pandemic is uncharted territory for pretty much all of us. It’s not ...

The Young And The Restless: Simple play ideas from the experts

  Toddlers are in a word “busy.” They have busy minds and busy bodies. Keeping them engaged and entertained all day—especially when preschools, libraries, and your other go-to places are closed—can be exhausting for parents and caregivers.  By now, you probably feel like you’ve exhausted all the resources in your toolbox for keeping your little ...

Can’t we all just get along?! Steps to minimize conflict among siblings

  As a parent, you were likely not prepared for your kiddos to be out of school a week earlier than expected-not to mention the entire month of April. With playdates out of the question, libraries closed, rainy days, and other activities canceled, your family is likely spending A LOT of time at home together. ...

Building Resilience In Ourselves and Our Children

Many of us are parenting through uncharted territory right now. We have been told to keep our children out of school for 1 ½ months, to stay home, away from playgrounds, other children, extended family members, and the public spaces we love to frequent during the rainy season. And while we try to stay hopeful ...

Resources for Parenting Through COVID-19

If you have young children, this is likely the first time you've had to parent through a pandemic. COVID-19 has completely upturned our daily lives, our routines-everything. And we have concerns about our health, our children's health, how to talk to our kids about Coronavirus, and where to get financial support during a time of ...

Tips for Homework Success

It’s the middle of the school year—there are more hours of daylight; the weather is starting to warm up (ever so slightly); and the weekends and after-school hours are starting to fill up with spring sports on the horizon. Your child’s homework might be the last thing on your mind. If you and your child ...

The Power of Play For You and Baby

Babies are born with a unique desire to play. It’s how they learn about the world, problem-solve, and work through their emotions, not to mention build muscles and resilience. To quote Fred Rogers: “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really ...

Counting Stars: Ways to help toddlers who resist sleep

Count yourself among the rare and lucky if you are a parent of a toddler who willingly—maybe even eagerly—hops right into bed for a peaceful night’s sleep, because most families with toddlers experience bedtime challenges. In fact, it’s part of the delightful package called toddlerhood! It’s so common, that it’s estimated that one in three ...

Dr. Lauren Herbert Awarded the 2020 Minalee Saks Champion of Children Award

Since 2002, Parenting Now has recognized the efforts of special individuals in Oregon who have made a significant difference in the lives of children. This year, the Minalee Saks Champion of Children Award is awarded to Dr. Lauren Herbert for her tireless efforts for social justice for her patients, the underserved in our community, as ...

Is Nighttime Potty Training Possible?

Successfully getting your toddler out of diapers and using a toilet all the time is a huge accomplishment (go ahead, give yourself a celebratory pat on the back). It takes a good amount of sweat, tears (mostly from you), vigilance, and determination to help your toddler meet this milestone. So much so, in fact, that ...
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