Haga de la Paternidad un Placer

Haga de la Paternidad un Placer® is a Spanish-language adaptation of the evidence-based Make Parenting a Pleasure® curriculum, tested with families from nine different countries of origin. Designed by parenting educators for parenting educators, Haga de la Paternidad un Placer's facilitated approach to parenting education helps parents achieve their goals for their families and respects the diversity of those goals. Parenting educators give the program high marks for its ease-of-use.

Haga de la Paternidad un Placer is a culturally adapted, Spanish-language version of Make Parenting a Pleasure, which has been listed on the Parenting Curricula Review Databases found on the Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center as both a research- and evidence-based curriculum.

Haga de la Paternidad un Placer is built on a foundation of more than 35 years of experience by Parenting Now in working with highly-stressed families raising children ages newborn to 8. Evaluations demonstrate efficacy in reducing parent stress and addressing the protective factors shown to reduce the potential for child abuse.

Haga de la Paternidad un Placer was adapted with feedback from parents and parenting educators from nine different countries of origin, cultural competency was assured through piloting and thorough research of cultural issues with experts in the field. Its content has been recently reviewed, updated and informed with current child brain development research.

Haga de la Paternidad un Placer is designed to utilize a group dialogue methodology which respects the skills of the parenting educator, empowers families and can be adapted to suit a wide range of environments and populations to improve outcomes. The parenting educator acts as a guide to help the families discover unrealized parenting knowledge. This approach raises the confidence of parents as they discover that they already possess the capabilities necessary to achieve their family goals.

Haga de la Paternidad un Placer addresses key topics, including:

  • Self-care
  • Stress and anger management
  • Understanding child development
  • Communication skills
  • Positive discipline

Haga de la Paternidad un Placer provides parenting educators with a 13-session turn-key program designed to be implemented with groups of parents. The discussion-focused sessions are straightforward and comprehensive, enabling the implementation of the program without a training requirement; however, comprehensive facilitator training is available through Parenting Now that will benefit even experienced parenting educators.

The curriculum is modularized into discrete sessions, contained within separate facilitator booklets, to enable organizations to offer multiple groups using a single set of materials.

Each session’s module booklet is formatted with icons that guide the parenting educator, identify key concepts, session agendas and session supply lists. Reproducible parent handouts are provided, along with forms for collecting feedback, etc.

Haga de la Paternidad un Placer aligns with Head Start Performance Standards (1302.51 Parent activities to promote child learning and development).

Purchase Haga De La Paternidad Un Placer

Haga de la Paternidad un Placer includes:

  • 13 modules formatted with icons identifying key concepts, session agendas, and meeting shopping list
  • Facilitator's guide makes it easy to stay on task
  • 15 parent booklets with reproducible handouts. Additional booklets can be purchased.
  • 15 parent graduation certificates.
  • Parent evaluation materials


“I found the language to be very clear and easy to read and at the 5th grade level that most of our Latino immigrant parents of the area could easily read and comprehend.” - Eduardo Angulo, Salem/Keizer Coalition for Equality

“El programa es muy bueno. Aprendemos como entender a nuestros hijos. Tenemos diferente tipo de educacion y aqui aprendemos para ser mejores padres cada dia. Yo se lo recomiendo a todos los padres Mexicanos y de otros paises. Nos olvidamos Del estres, aqui viene uno a relajarse. A Sentarse a compartir con otros padres sin Pensar en las penas y en la vida tan dificil Que nos ha tocado vivir.” - Participant in Haga de la Paternidad un Placer

Haga de la Paternidad un Placer es un buen material de apoyo y excelente recurso para el padre y otros miembros de la familia cuya lengua native es el espanol. La forma y el estilo del espanol empleado en esta pubicacion sin duda hara del material mas facil para el usuario” - Victor Rodriguez, Communication Specialist, Southwest Educational Development

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