Parenting Now Blog


Wandering Woes – Encouraging Your Toddler to Stay With You

As soon as babies are mobile, they start to explore their environment. When they become walkers, they graduate to being a toddler - and it's a whole new level of  wandering around. Wandering can occur on shopping trips, playgrounds, or on a walk through your neighborhood. In a blink of an eye, a toddler can ...

Ana Maria Dudley Honored as Minalee Saks Champion of Children 2022

Ana Maria Dudley first came to the Family Resource Center in Cottage Grove in 1993. Since then, she has met countless families, enriching their lives with her warmth, grace, and spirit.  She has helped families navigate complex medical systems, find local resources such as WIC, food banks, housing, as well as shared her knowledge of ...

Preparing Your Toddler for a New Sibling

A new baby means some major changes for the entire family. Children's reactions can vary from being helpful with diapers or feedings to jealousy, acting out or regressing to baby-like behavior. Having toileting accidents or wanting to drink from a bottle are normal reactions to the stress of having a new baby. Love, reassurance and ...

Winter Fun and Safety

Rain, rain and more rain, and yet you can still enjoy all of winter with your toddler. Maybe those early winter days of sweet indoor cuddling are gone as more chilly grey days arrive, but having a variety of indoor activities to keep your child busy and stimulated will make for a happy winter for all. You ...

Understanding and Taming Our Stress Responses

  Life can present all kinds of stressful situations, ranging from mundane, everyday stresses like running late for work, or more extreme stressors like being chased by a wild animal. When you experience stress, you might get a headache or a churning stomach. You might snap at your kids, cry more easily, think negative or ...

Winter Reading Recommendations

Handpicked by the children's librarians at Eugene Public Library, here are their winter book recommendations! Give them a read! A Family is a Family is a Family, written by Sara O'Leary, illustrated by Qin Leng. When a teacher asks the children in her class to think about what makes their families special, the answers are ...

The Power of Touch

  A close, nurturing, and responsive relationship is the single most important factor affecting our children's well-being. Nurturing touch is a part of that. Through your gentle stroke on their cheek or a warm embrace, your child learns about comfort, safety, security, and love. All babies need touch to survive and thrive, and the use ...

Setting Parenting Goals For The New Year

It's a time honored tradition to set goals for yourself for the New year. For some, it's reducing sugar intake; for others, it is spending more time in nature. But what if this year you tried setting parenting goals for yourself? Your parenting goals could be a behavior you want to change in yourself, such ...

Ana Maria Dudley Honored as Minalee Saks Champion of Children 2022

Ana Maria Dudley first came to the Family Resource Center in Cottage Grove in 1993. Since then, she has met countless families, enriching their lives with her warmth, grace, and spirit.  Ana Maria Dudley, left. She has helped families navigate complex medical systems, find local resources such as WIC, food banks, housing, as well as ...

Self-care isn’t just a buzzword

Wow, what a time of year, right?! All the lights, activities, shopping, hustle and bustle - all while parenting, too! Parenting is a full-time job, and it requires a commitment to taking care of your child's physical and emotional needs. But what about your own needs? When's the last time you checked in on your ...

Visitors During the Holiday Season

With many adults vaccinated and children ages 5 and up now eligible for their COVID-19 vaccination, families are looking forward to reuniting with family and friends this holiday season after a long stretch of social distancing. But while you may be excited to have Grandma over for a New Year's fest, your child may have ...

Mealtime Tips for Toddlers

Mealtime with a toddler can be busy, messy, and chaotic while they are learning how to eat independently. As a toddler's tastes mature and their skills develop, so does their interest in trying a wider variety of foods that they can feed themselves. Toddlers can learn to eat what the rest of the family eats. ...
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