Parenting Now Blog


Summer Reading Recommendations

Handpicked by the children's librarians at Eugene Public Library, here are their summer book recommendations! , written by Karen Lynn Williams, illustrated by Floyd Cooper. When his father tells him not to leave the lion he is drawing on the beach, a little boy starts making a very, very long tail--and a trail to follow back. Ice Cream and Dinosaurs, written ...

Have Fun This Summer With Your Toddler

Summer is a great time to get outside, experience new things, and try something out of the ordinary with your child. The longer days provide us with the opportunity to spend more time outdoors, and there are endless places to explore in our area.  If you're looking for some fresh ideas to get you and ...

Making Shopping Trips More Fun and Manageable

Remember the days of care-free shopping trips, or easily squeezing in a few errands during lunch break? Well, if you're a parent, those days probably seem long behind you. Shopping can be fun with toddlers in tow, but it can also be challenging. There are yummy foods to grab at, things to touch, and toys to play ...

Water Play STEAM Activities

  Summer is great for using your outside space or park to get your kids outside exploring and trying new things. Water play is fun, messy, and full of opportunities to incorporate STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) into your play time. Here are some of my favorite water play ideas. Color Mixing Color ...

Tips To Keep Your Child’s Skin Protected

The sun is finally coming out to stay for the summer and with that comes the possibility of sunburns for big kids and even for infants. While we are excited for summer, it is important to keep in mind that there are some aspects of sun exposure that can be unsafe for our skin. Let's ...

Ready For the Open Road

Summer weather beckons us to the open road. Of course, traveling with little ones is no walk in the park. It's not always easy to travel long distances with children in tow, but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying summer adventures. With some preparation and planning, your family can have many fun adventures ahead. Boredom ...

Toilet Learning Tactics

Summer is here, and if you have a child who is ready to say goodbye to diapers, this might be the perfect time to try toilet learning! While it's important to have a relaxed approach to toilet learning and to follow your child's cues, it's also important to give yourself a realistic amount of time ...

Team Parenting

As your child grows, it is likely that you and your partner will want to work as a team to most effectively guide your child to adulthood.  You have the common goal of raising your child to be healthy, happy, and successful, and in order to support your child growing to their potential, working together ...

Dads, when does fatherhood begin? A case to be made it’s when you were born

I have a question for all the fathers and father-figures out there: "When do you think fatherhood begins?" Some of you might say it's when you find out your partner is pregnant. Others say, it's when you first see that sonogram or hear Baby's heartbeat for the first time. Still, others say it really hits ...

Water Safety Offers a Variety of Teaching Opportunities

Summer is just around the corner, which means sprinklers, water balloons, backyard swimming pools and other ways to beat the heat. It's important to remember that water accidents can happen quickly-even if the water your child is playing in is only a few inches deep, or your child knows how to swim. Just like it ...

Resources for Navigating Scary Events With Children

During challenging times, we can all use additional support and resources to help us navigate tragedy-especially when it comes to helping our children process what they are hearing and seeing on the news, or from their peers at school. Below are some resources for yourself and your child. Books: What to Do When the News ...

Helping Children Navigate Scary Events

It's not always easy to talk about "scary things" with children. It is important to remember that children of all ages look to their parents to make them feel safe. For this reason, we've compiled some tips from child development experts on how to best approach difficult topics. Talking to your children about their worries ...
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