Parenting Now Blog


Back to School Behaviors

What to do when your child is acting out at school? School has been back in session for a little while now, and you think your child is doing great! But then you get a phone call from the teacher about some troubling behavior, and find out that they've been acting out at school - ...

Fun Fall Crafts!

The leaves are falling, school is in full swing, and the weather is changing! This season brings about a lot of change, including keeping your kids indoors more with the rain and cold. Try one of these fun fall crafts to keep them - and you! - busy on your next rainy Sunday inside.  PAPER ...

Balancing Work and Family

As summer starts to wind down and families begin to adjust their school/work schedules, it's important to consider how you balance work and family. Often, balancing work and family can feel challenging because stress from one may pour into the other. Ideally, your goal is that you feel calm and controlled regarding your time both ...

Preparing Your Kids for Back to School

As summer winds down, some kids feel excited about school coming up and some feel anxious, but all kids sense that a shift in routine is coming, and that can bring up some big emotions. The good news is that, as a parent, there are some things you can do to help your children manage ...
young family mom dad and child enjoying road trip in the woods

Take a Road Trip This Summer

Summer is already busy, so why should you prioritize taking a road trip with your young kids? The answer is simple - because life is busy. Road trips don't have to be big or elaborate to make a big impact on your kids! Road trips are a time to connect. The act of driving to ...

Having Visitors

  Having visitors in your home feels like it should be a fun and exciting event, so why are your preschool aged kids acting out during this time? Kids will often be excited about having friends over to play, but having someone else in their home can be stressful for kids.  Sometimes they may respond ...

Teaching Gentle Behavior

Toddlers, by nature, are sweet and kind, but they don't always have the words or skills to work through their big feelings and emotions. They don't yet have the words to express their feelings or needs in order to get what they want in a socially acceptable way. They have not yet learned to regulate ...

Make a Game of Shopping Trips

Going shopping can be a fun activity for the entire family, but with toddlers and preschoolers in tow, shopping can have its fair share of challenging moments. But there are ways to make shopping trips a little easier on yourself and more fun for both you and your child. First, it is helpful to plan ...

Spring Insect Crafts

With the weather warming up, we start to see new insects flying and crawling around. They all have an important part to play in our world around us. Here are some fun crafts to do with your wobbler and toddler that are bug-tastic! Paper Plate Bee Materials Paper plate Yellow and black construction paper Googly ...

Teaching Chores and Cleaning Up Skills

Many kids can benefit from participating in daily or weekly chores. It helps you out, it helps care for the home, and some studies even link early childhood chores to later success in adulthood, pointing to strengthened adult relationships and successful careers. The key is knowing what chores are appropriate for your child's age group, ...

Mother’s Day Crafts

With Mother's Day just around the corner, here are some fun craft ideas to make for the moms in your life. Love Handprint Sign Materials White cardstock or canvas Round-tipped paint brush, preferably one with a flat head. Mom's favorite color of paint and white paint. Paper plate Newspaper or wrapping paper Baby wipes Instructions ...

Outdoor Crafts and Games

Spring is the perfect time of year to get out into nature. Here are some fun games and crafts you can do with your toddler outside.  Crayon Rubbing and Guessing Game Materials   Crayons with the paper wrapping removed   Lightweight paper or newsprint   Items you can use to make rubbings: leaves, grass, flowers, ...
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