Parenting Now Blog


Fill Your Child’s CUP With Special Time

In our Make Parenting A Pleasure parenting groups, we use the analogy of "filling your cup with self-care." If your cup is empty, you will have little to give to others. But when your cup is full, you are more likely to parent in ways that fit with what you want for your child. The ...

Farm Fun For the Family

From pumpkin patches to hayrides, local farms offer a variety of fun things to do with your kids. That's why it's a fun idea to visit different farms and see what your family enjoys the most-and each farm will have different experiences to share with your family!  During the month of October, many farms have ...

Enjoy Family Meals With Your Toddler

Have you noticed your toddler eyeing your plate at mealtimes or showing signs that they want to feed themselves? If so, they may be ready to eat what the rest of the family eats, as well as use a spoon, and sit at the table with others. Every child is different, but typically around 12-months ...

Parenting Is Not One Size Fits All

There is no rulebook when it comes to being the perfect parent. In fact, there is no such thing as a perfect parent. Every family has their own traditions, values, customs, and routines. There isn't one "right way" to raise your child. You get to decide the values, skills, and behaviors you want to encourage ...

Fall-Themed Crafts for Toddlers

As the weather begins to cool for the season, and the leaves put on a dazzling display of colors for us, here are some crafts to get you and your child into the spirit of the fall season.  Leaf Wreath  Materials: Leaves from your neighborhood Glue Paper plate Ribbon First, you will need to collect ...

Preparing Parents for Back to School

There are so many articles and suggestions for parents on preparing children for their first day of school, but how do parents prepare for leaving their child behind on the first day of school?  Once you've taken your child's first-day photo, dropped them off at school, you may ask yourself: "What now? What is next ...

Teaching Cleaning Up Skills

Taking care of your things and learning how to clean up after yourself is a skill that children typically can do themselves around the ages of 3 or 4. Here are some tips for supporting your child as they learn and practice this new skill. Getting started Throughout the day, toddlers love getting out all ...

Prepping for Preschool

    Fall is approaching and with that comes time for preschool. When looking for a preschool for your child, look for one that fits within your family structure. There are several aspects to consider when choosing a preschool. Here are some helpful hints for picking the perfect preschool for your child. Consider the cost. ...

Nature Crafts Ideas

As parents, we can sometimes feel pressured into keeping our children busy and entertained during the long summer days. But summer is the perfect time to slow down and  enjoy the natural beauty of our area. Nature crafts are a fun way to get outdoors, and spend time with your child. For all of these ...

Creativity Is All Around You

There are all sorts of ways to encourage your child to express their creativity. Performance arts, such as dance, acting, or playing an instrument all begin with your baby moving to music or rhythm, or your toddler's first games of make-believe. Visual arts like coloring, painting, drawing, using markers or different types of paints start ...

Summer-Themed Crafts for Toddlers

There's so much to love about summer: warm, sunny days; flowers; berry picking; picnics in the park. To add to the fun, here are some summertime crafts to try with your toddler. Puffy Paint Ice Cream Cones Materials: Two or three different colored paints Liquid" school" glue (washable) Shaving cream White cardstock paper Marker Paintbrush ...

Fun With Water

Now that summer is in full effect, it's time to go outside and play with water! There are so many benefits for playing with and in water, including exercising your child's gross and fine motor skills.  Here are some examples of simple, low-cost ways to have fun with water. Rock Painting Kids love finding rocks, ...
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